It’s hard to believe that February has come and gone and that we are launching into spring. With Spring Break on the horizon, it’s perfect timing for a new list of books to read while taking a relaxing break somewhere sunny.

I’ve been keeping a running list of parenting books that I wanted to share with you so I decided to make our March Book Club a parenting theme. I’m excited to finally have some time to dive into these and hopefully walk away with a handful of useful tips and new perspectives!

1. Grace Based Parenting: Rooted in faith-based teachings, this book encourages parents to steer away from rigid rules and move towards a discipline style that mirrors God’s love and forgiveness. A New York friend recommended this when Knox was still a baby.  I have read most of it over the years, but now that the boys are older I want to read it with new perspective.

2. The Whole Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind: In this book neuropsychiatrist Daniel J. Siegel explains how a child’s brain is wired and how the brain continues to mature even into your mid-twenties. Looking forward to reading this science-based book that will give insight into the emotional (and sometimes frustrating!) decisions that kids make. We also want to read Siegel’s book No-Drama Discipline which uses these same studies as guidance on how parents should react to misbehavior.  I always find it helpful to understand the reasons behind why kids (or people) may do things to come from a more understanding place.

3. The Birth Order: I’m totally fascinated by how birth order can affect everything from personality to relationships to career choice. Excited to dive into this read and see if it aligns with certain personality traits of Knox and Andrew, as well as myself and Fred!  It’s crazy to think how our place in the family dynamic can shape so much of who you are.

4. Parenting with Love and Logic: This highly-recommended book focuses on raising self-motivated children who are “ready for the real world”. It seems so far away that Knox and Andrew will be making big decisions on their own, but I know it will be here before we know it!  And as parents, that is obviously our job – to make sure they are ready for the world when the time comes.

5. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk: Two communication experts wrote this book to decode common problems with how we express and filter others’ emotions. “Enthusiastically praised by parents and professionals around the world, the down-to-earth, respectful approach of Faber and Mazlish makes relationships with children of all ages less stressful and more rewarding.”

Do you have any favorite parenting books I should add to my list? I would love to hear your recommendations in the comments below!  Also, let us know if you are reading any of these with me!